Our vision is to be a people who:

Say a daily yes to Jesus,

Engage our world as a mission field,

and actively care for the vulnerable.

Sermon series

eyes on the horizon

Having considered the familiar where we are, we now raise our vision to the horizon and ask, “Where are we going?” Perhaps a better question is, “Who are we becoming?” Living in the light of the epiphany of the incarnated Christ, we are called to become more—more as individuals certainly, but also more as a community. We will look at aspects of this beloved community and consider if this describes who we are and who we want to be. Some of this is within our grasp already, and we celebrate our strengths. But some of it may seem like a far horizon as we seek the Spirit’s strength to grow into our calling as the body of Christ.

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Sunday Service LIBRARY

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Below is our most recent service, as well as a collection of some of our older services.